Friday, December 28, 2012

Goolosh Recipe!

Okay I know I aint posted anythin in a while I been really busy! But me and my ma and puttin together a Recipe Book. its homecookin. From greasy food to heart attack food. Im gonna give a recipe that is really good. My ma calls it her heart attack food. Its kinda simple but not.


1 box of spegetty or ready cut noodles
BIG can of tomatoo puree ( at walmart)
1 can of Chunks of Tomatoes (diced)
2lbs of hamburger- big chunks
1lb REAL fried bacon (keep the grease)
1 onion chopped or diced (whatever you perfer)

Boil the noodles, cook the hamburger fry up the bacon. youll have 3 pans goin.
when noodles are softened ( a little water will be there) add puree, tomato slices,
cooked hamburger, and crumbled bacon mix together gently keep on low for 20-30 mins

this dinner is good with:
  • texas toast
  • garlic bread
  • cheese bread
  • salads
I hope yal enjoy this recipe. its really good! if ya have any question comment an ill get to them!